Immaculate Conception, New Richmond Fr. John Anderson
St. Anthony de Padua, Park Falls Fr. Shaji Pazhukkathara
Cathedral of Christ the King Fr. Andrew Ricci
Holy Family, Woodruff Fr. Jerry Hagen
Holy Rosary, Medford Fr. Patrick McConnell
Immaculate Conception, New Richmond Fr. John Anderson
Nativity of Our Lord, Rhinelander Fr. Christopher Kemp
Our Lady of the Lake, Ashland Fr. Jerome D'Souza
St. Anne, Somerset Fr. Josesph Madanu
St. Bridget, River Falls Fr. Jerry Harris
St. John the Baptist, Glenwood City Fr. John Long
St. Joseph, Amery Fr. Gene Murphy
St. Joseph, Hayward Fr. David Neuschwander
St. Joseph, Rice Lake Fr. Adam Laski
La Santa Misa (Spanish Mass) Fr. Ed Anderson 1:00 p.m. Sundays
St. Patrick, Hudson Fr. John Gerritts
How to Livestream Mass - The USCCB provides this quick guide in one page to get you started: How to livestream Mass.pdf Faith on Facebook Toolkit.pdf