The Curriculum Guidelines for Parish Religious Education Programs was written for grades K-12 in an effort to provide parishes with a list of criteria that could be achieved in a parish program that meets for approximately 24 hours per year.
Most major textbook publishers deal with the topics identified. However, no single textbook series follows the curriculum precisely. Therefore, to provide consistency and continuity in scope and sequence, it is best to use the same major textbook series with related support materials for each grade. In this way a majority of the curriculum will be covered.
The Curriculum Guidelines are also cross-referenced with the Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC) indicated by a number in parenthesis.
The textbook is not the sole source of catechesis. When a child is baptized, he/she enters a relationship with Jesus and becomes a member of the church community. At the same time, parents and the parish community including the parish catechists assume the responsibility to nurture the child's growth in faith. This shared responsibility continues until the child is ready to enter fully into the Church's life and mission at Confirmation.
The guidelines are divided into five segments:
1) the goal,
2) the children/youth will learn to,
3) will understand that,
4) have the opportunity to and
5) parents are asked to.