SOURCE: Guiding Principles & Strategies for Inclusion in the Liturgy of Catholics with Disabilities (Federation of Diocesan Liturgical Commissions, 2005)
The prayer of Blessing of Readers (See Book of Blessings, 1844) asks God to “Bless these readers. As they proclaim your words of life, strengthen their faith that they may read with conviction and boldness and put into practice what they read.”
Generally, we interpret “reading with conviction and boldness” to require a basic knowledge of the Bible, a voice clearly understood (with translation provided, if necessary) and an ability to interpret the Scriptures. These are the most basic gifts of the Reader. Obstacles or physical barriers such as steps, poor lighting, or inadequate sound systems may impede some people from serving as readers. Further, a person may possess all of the gifts needed to fulfill this role, but not be able to serve the community because there are no resources available to assist them (eg. Braille text for the blind).
he following may help to break down barriers and allow those with disabilities to serve as readers: