The Director of Ecclesial Ministries & Diocesan Consultation helps articulate the Bishop's vision for Parish leadership throughout the Diocese and will work collaboratively with the Vicar for Clergy and Deans to provide consultation regarding matters of parish personnel advocacy, leadership development with particular emphasis on servant leadership, and issues requiring resolution and resourcing.
Assist Bishop in identifying international priests suitable for the Diocese of Superior
Assist Bishop in identifying initial host priests for a new international priest’s arrival and for initial adjustment to the diocese
Identifying parish staff and or local parish volunteers where the new international priest will be assigned, that can help take care of on-sight local paperwork, obtaining a social security number, obtaining a driver’s license (including practice driving) and other pertinent areas of initial adjustment and need
Responsible for initial orientation for new international priests
Available to conduct meetings with local parish groups (i.e. parish staff, council members and trustees) who will be served by an international priest for the first time --- affirming, understanding, support, etc.
Supervise the International Priest Specialist
Assist the International Priest Specialist with quarterly international priest gatherings and in-services
Assist the Diocesan Immigration Attorney with any necessary updates for international priest documentation and new applications.