Pastors, parish life coordinators and parish directors are reminded that the following notice* should be published quarterly in parish bulletins. It is recommended that it be done on the first weekend of January, April, July, and October. If there are questions, please contact Dan Blank, Director of Administrative Services: 715-394-0211, [email protected].
Sexual Abuse
The Catholic Church is working diligently to prevent sexual abuse by parish employees, volunteers, deacons, and priests. If you have been sexually abused by someone associated with the Church and would like to report or discuss the experience, we urge you to contact:
Bonnie Thom
The Diocese of Superior welcomes your call and understands how difficult it may be to reach out in this situation. The phone number provided is confidential and dedicated solely to these calls. Know that your call will be treated with respect, dignity, and compassion.
The Diocese of Superior is bound by civil and canon law to report sexual abuse of a minor to civil authorities. Anyone who believes that they have been sexually abused is strongly encouraged to report as well.
Spanish Version
La Iglesia Católica está trabajando arduamente para evitar que sus empleados, voluntarios, diáconos y sacerdotes cometan abuso sexual. Si usted ha sido abusado sexualmente por alguien asociado con la iglesia y le gustaría poder reportarlo o hablar con alguien, le pedimos que por favor se comunique
con :
Bonita Thom
La diocesis de Superior entiende que es difícil pedir ayuda en casos de abuso sexual. Por eso el número telefónico es estrictamente para reportar estos casos y la llamada es confidencial. Su llamada será tratada con respeto y dignidad.
Conforme a la ley civil y de la iglesia, la diocesis de Superior está obligada a reportar a las autoridades cualquier reporte de abuso sexual a un menor. A cualquier persona que piense que ha sido abusada sexualmente se le sugiere o recomienda reportarlo.