Echoes 3.0, an online format for completion of Foundational certification, is available for those who prefer working independently and for those who find that the flexibility of online work is a better fit for their lives. The same modules are required for both the DVD group format and the online format.
Currently, participation in Echoes 3.0 is free to those currently serving as catechists and teachers in the religious education programs and Catholic schools of the Diocese of Superior. Those choosing the online format must complete a Request for Echoes 3.0 Activation Code. The activation code and an electronic copy of the Participant Guidelines for Echoes 3.0) will be emailed directly to the participant.
Once an Echoes 3.0 account is activated, it will stay active for one year from the date of activation. During this time, it can be accessed from any electronic device with an internet connection and a browser – desktop computer, laptop, tablet, even a smart phone.
Working online has advantages, but those considering Echoes 3.0 should keep in mind: