GOAL: That the youth grow in their understanding of Jesus as the Jesus of history and as Lord of faith. (GDC #87, 98)
The youth will learn to:
Recognize the presence of the Risen Lord in the persons and events encountered in daily life {GDC # 16, 116, 117} [CCC: 533, 542, 947, 953, 2790-2792, 2820]
Name and describe the following main qualities and virtues of Jesus as revealed by His words and actions recorded in the gospels {GDC #98, 140} [CCC: 561]
His total obedience to the Father’s will for him {GDC #99, 100, 123} [CCC: 566, 569, 606, 609-612, 615]
His friendship, love and fidelity to his disciples {GDC #137} [CCC: 551-552, 9983, 1506]
His humility and meekness, compassion and mercy {GDC #86} [CCC: 565, 1503-1509]
His availability, concern and sensitivity for the needs of the poor, the sick, the oppressed, and the sinner {GDC #102, 103, 104} [CCC: 1503-1509]
His courage and self-sacrifice as revealed in the way he approached his passion and death [CCC: 478, 607, 616]
Give a simple explanation of the creedal statement that Jesus is both fully human and fully divine {GDC #99] [CCC: 423, 426, 469, 469-470]
Give a simple explanation of Jesus’ relation to the Father as God’s Son and God’s Eternal Word {GDC #99} [CCC: 65, 456-460]
Apply the example of Jesus to their own efforts to be more responsive to the needs of those around them {GDC #80, 108, 109} [CCC: 2443-2449]
Explain the petitions of the Lord’s Prayer {GDC #115} [CCC: 2857-2865]
Pray using various forms of prayer: journaling, meditation, scripture, silence, mantra, etc. {GDC #85} [CCC: 2663-2679]
The youth will understand:
The nature of faith as a personal relationship of friendship with God the Father, with Jesus, The Risen Lord and with the Holy Spirit (Trinity) {GDC# 55} [CCC: 142, 154, 160]
That their baptism has established them as disciples of Jesus {GDC# 65} [CCC: 520, 1213, 1227, 1276, 1279]
The nature of discipleship and the responsibilities to walk, learn, and work with Jesus {GDC# 34, 41, 85} [CCC: 794, 1506-1507, 1691- 1698]
The nature of the Church as a community of disciples of Jesus {GDC# 80, 253} [CCC: 781-782]
The meaning contained in the following title of Jesus: Messiah/Christ; Rabbi/Prophet; High Priest; Lamb of God; Son of Man [CCC: 430-455, 464]
Assume the responsibility of stewardship and hospitality within the parish {GDC# 86} [CCC: 1309]
The nature and goals of the Church’s ecumenical efforts {GDC# 86, 197, 200} [CCC: 820-821]
The relationship of the Roman Catholic Church to the other Christian and non-Christian traditions {GDC#86} [CCC: 820-821]
Youth will have the opportunity to:
Plan and carry out peer ministry, with the guidance of adults
Assume various roles in the parish liturgy: servers, readers, ushers, hospitality, music, planning the environment
Participate in a retreat or evening of recollection with the opportunity for the Sacrament of Reconciliation
Parents/Guardians are asked to:
Encourage your son/daughter to assume various roles in the parish liturgy; servers, readers, ushers, music, hospitality and planning the environment
Participate in the celebration of the Eucharist with your son/daughter on weekends and holy days of obligation
Participate with your son/daughter in a parish Reconciliation Service
Identify ways you and your son/daughter can fulfill the obligation to be good stewards in the parish and in society