The locations of Sacramental records for parishes that have closed or merged can be found at the bottom of this page.
First Holy Communion Day, 1953 at St. Adalbert’s
(photo at right)
Ashland, Holy Family & St. Agnes found at Ashland Our Lady of the Lake
Balsam Lake, Our Lady of the Pines found at Balsam Lake, Our Lady of the Lakes
Belanger Settlement, St. Anthony found at Bayfield, Holy Family
Benett, St. Benedict found at Superior, Cathedral of Christ the King
Birchwood, St. John the Evangelist found at Rice Lake, St. Joseph
Bloomville, St. John the Baptist found at Merrill, St. Francis Xavier
Blueberry, St. Anne Superior, Cathedral of Christ the King
Bruce, St. Mary found at Ladysmith, Our Lady of Sorrows
Catawba, Sacred Heart found at Catawba, St. Paul the Apostle
Centuria, St. Patrick found at Balsam Lake, Our Lady of the Lakes
Chelsea, Assumption of the BVM found at Rib Lake, Good Shepherd
Clear Lake, St. John found at Glenwood City, St. John the Baptist
Conrath, Holy Trinity found at Gilman, SS. Peter and Paul
Couderay, St. Mary Magdalene found at Winter, St. Peter
Cozy Corner/Dairyland, St. Jude found at Superior, Holy Assumption
Crescent Lake/Webster Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary found at Webster, St. John the Baptist
Cumberland, St. Mary found at Cumberland, St. Anthony Abbott
Cylon, Holy Rosary found at New Richmond, Immaculate Conception
and Clear Lake, St. John
Danbury, Our Lady of Perpetual Help found at Webster, St. John the Baptist
Dauby, St. Peter found at Ashland, Our Lady of the Lake
Dobie, Our Lady of Lourdes found at Rice Lake, St. Joseph
Donald, St. John found at Gilman, SS. Peter and Paul
Exeland, St. Mary found at Rice Lake, St. Joseph and Ladysmith, Our Lady of Sorrows
Fifield, St. Francis found at Park Falls, St. Anthony of Padua
Flambeau/Holcombe, St. Francis found at Ladysmith, Our Lady of Sorrows
Foxboro, St. Aloysius found at Superior, Holy Assumption
Georgetown, Holy Rosary found at Balsam Lake, Our Lady of the Lakes
Glenwood City, St. Hubert's found at Glenwood City, St. John the Baptist
Grandview, St. Andrew found at Cable, St. Ann
Grantsburg, Immaculate Conception found at Frederic, St. Dominic
Haugen. Holy Trinity found at Rice Lake, St. Joseph
Hawkins, St. Mary Czestochwa found at Ladysmith, Our Lady of Sorrows
Herbster, St. Francis Xavier found at Iron River, St. Michael
Ino, St. Florian found at Ashland, Our Lady of the Lake
Iron Belt, St. Magdalene found at Hurley, St. Mary of the Seven Dolors
Jenning, St. Mary found at Rhinelander, Nativity of Our Lord
K - O
Kennan, St. Michael found at Catawba, S. Paul the Apostle
Lake Tomahawk, St. John Vianney found at Woodruff, Holy Family
Land O'Lakes, St. Albert the Great found at Eagle River, St. Peter the Fisherman
Mason, St. Aloysius found at Birchwood, St. John the Evangelist
Merrill, St. Robert Bellarmine found at Merrill, St. Francis Xavier
Minocqua, St. Patrick found at Woodruff, Holy Family
Minong, St. Mary found at Solon Springs, St. Pius X
Monico, St. James found at Rhinelander, Nativity of Our Lord
Montreal, Sacred Heart of Jesu sfound at Hurley, St. Mary of the Seven Dolors
Moquah, Ss. Peter & Paul found at Ashland, Our Lady of the Lake
Murry, St. Ann found at Birchwood, St. John the Evangelist and
Ladysmith, Our Lady of Sorrows
Odanah, St. Mary found at Ashland, Our Lady of the Lake
Oliver, St. Joachim found at Superior, Cathedral of Christ the King
P - T
Pelican Lake, St. John found at Rhinelander, Nativity of Our Lord
Pence, Holy Redeemer found at Hurley, St. Mary of the Seven Dolors
Phelps, St. Mary found at Eagle River, St. Peter the Fisherman
Phillips, St. Mary & St. Patrick found at Phillips, St. Therese of Lisieux
Pier Willow, St. Francis of Assisi found at Tomahawk, St. Mary
Port Wing, St. Mary found at Iron River, St. Michael
Rhinelander, St. Joseph & St. Mary's found at Rhinelander, Nativity of Our Lord
Rhinelander, Immaculate Conception/St. Mary's found at Rhinelander, Nativity of Our Lord
Rib Lake, St. John the Baptist found at Rib Lake, Good Shepherd
River Falls, St. THomas Moore Newman Center found at River Falls, St. Bridget
Sanborn, St. Anne found at Mellen, Most Holy Rosary
Springbrook, St. Mary Magdalene found at Hayward, St. Joseph
Stanton, St. Bridget found at Clear Lake, St. John
Sugar Camp, St. Kunegunda of Poland found at Eagle River, St. Peter the Fisherman
Superior, St. Adalbert (closed 1981) found at Superior, St. Francis Xavier
Superior, Sacred Heart found at Superior, Cathedral of Christ the King
Superior, St. Cyril found at Superior, Cathedral of Christ the King
Superior, St. Louis found at Superior, Cathedral of Christ the King
Superior, St. Patrick found at Superior, Cathedral of Christ the King
Superior, St. Stanislaus found at Superior, Cathedral of Christ the King
Three Lakes, St. Theresa of Avila found at Eagle River, St. Peter the FIsherman
Tony, St. Anthony found at Ladysmith, Our Lady of Sorrows
Town of Greenwood, S. Ann found at Rib Lake, Good Shepherd
Trego, St. Joseph found at Spooner, St. Francis de Sales
W - Z
Westboro, St. Theresa found at Rib Lake, Good Shepherd
Weyerhaeuser, Ss. Peter & Paul found at Ladysmith, Our Lady of Sorrows
Whittlesey, Our Lady of Perpetual Help found at Medford, Our Lady of the Holy Rosary
Wilson, St. Bridget found at Glenwood City, St. John the Baptist
Winchester (Vilas County), St. William found at Mercer, St. Isaac Joques and Companions
Woodruff, Our Lady Queen of the Universe found at Woodruff, Holy Family